Implementation of accounting system specially required for VAT.
Registration Proceedings under MVAT Act and CST Act.
Preparation for returns under VAT and C.S.T. Acts
Filing of E Returns
Conducting VAT Audit required by MVAT Act through associate Chartered Accountants.
And More...
Implementation of accounting system specially required for PROF.TAX.
Registration Proceedings under PROF. TAX ACT.
Enrolment under Prof. Tax Act.
Preparation for returns under PROF.TAX.
Filing of E Returns
Registration Proceedings under PROF. TAX ACT.
Enrolment under Prof. Tax Act.
Preparation for returns under PROF.TAX.
Filing of E Returns
Preparations of Assessment Proceedings.
And more....LOCAL BODY TAX
Implementation of accounting system specially required for L.B.T.
Preparation for returns under L.B.T.
And More...
Preparation for returns under L.B.T.
Application and Appearances before Commissioner in Determination Of Disputed Questions (D.D.Q.)
Filing of Refund applications.
Preparations of Assessment Proceedings.And More...